Men's Ministry

WBC Men's Ministry

The purpose of a men's ministry is to make disciples of Jesus and to create leaders who will bring a godly perspective to the people in their lives. Men's ministry also includes equipping men to mentor others. We believe a well-implemented ministry to men will help identify, develop and release the unique gifts of men into the life and service of the church, their families and their communities. Men’s ministry intentionally draws men to God and to each other. By strengthening the lay leadership in the church, men’s ministry serves the needs of the congregation and community.

Building Men

Men's ministry is essential to the vitality of our church. At WBC we believe a well-implemented ministry to men will help identify, develop and release the unique gifts of men into the life and service of the church, their families and the communities in which they live.

Creating Leaders

Men's ministry is meant to call men out of their spiritual passivity and equip them for godly influence at home, at church and in society. Rather than adding an extra burden to church leadership, men's ministry trains men who can in turn train others for godly service.