Celebrate Recovery

WBC Ministries

WBC Celebrate Recovery

Celebrate Recovery is a twelve step, biblically based, Christ centered recover program for those desiring to overcome ANY hurts, habits or hang-ups in their lives. The Celebrate Recovery program is based on the Beatitudes and adheres to twelve Biblically fundamental principles that first start with us admitting we were powerless over our addictions and compulsive behaviors, that our lives had become unmanageable. If you are interested call the church office, use the contact form below or join us Monday nights at the church. Childcare is available.

Trust in God's Work in Us

We believe that only God through faith in Jesus can restore sanity to our lives and we made a decision to turn our lives over to Him. We admitted to God, to ourselves, and to others the exact nature of our wrongs and we were entirely ready to receive God's forgiveness.

Recovery by Faith in God

We have reached a point were we are willing to make amends to all we have hurt and we sought through prayer to improve our relationship with God through our relationship with Christ Jesus our Lord, praying only for knowledge of His will for us, and power to carry that out.